This week Elsie McArthur is about to debut her new novel titled Love, on the Rocks. As we anticipate the release, here is your chance to get a sneak peek into who she is, what the book is about, and even read an exclusive excerpt provided by the author. Be sure to tune in Saturday, August 22nd at 6 p.m. to hear Elsie talk about her experiences as an indie author and more on the podcast!
Elsie McArthur was born and brought up in Glasgow, and now lives in a little village called Aberlour, in the Scottish Highlands. "Glasgow is known for a lot of things", she told The Writing Wall Blog. "Great architecture, shipbuilding, Billy Connolly... I could go on and on! Where I live now is mainly known for whiskey and shortbread--our village is home to the Aberlour Distillery and Walker's Shortbread Factory."
At 36 years old, Elsie writes what she likes to call "chic-lit" a contemporary fiction, mainly focused on women's experiences, with a strong romantic element that also includes other themes. She has always loved storytelling and has been an avid reader much of her life.
Elsie told the blog, "I devoured books from a young age. Enid Blyton and Roald Dhl were my particular favorites. I always found books to be an escape, and I think that just naturally extended into writing stories of my own."

Photo of Author Elsie McArthur
This author’s love of books was nurtured as she grew up in a home she described as being filled with literature while also being encouraged to read by her family. Elsie is definitely a multi-reader too when we caught up with her, she was reading two books at once. The first was her second Outlander novel and the other was Stray Witch a paranormal romance by a fellow indie author, Eva Alton."
Having had major success in the United States, Outlander is a series Elsie said she read for its sheer passion and beautiful Scottish scenery. Bridget Jones' diary is also a favorite she admitted when she was in the mood for something lighthearted and fun. She asked if she could also squeeze in Sense and Sensibility (this Jane Austen fan will allow it!). "That scene where Hugh Grant tells Emma Thomson- "My heart is, and always will be, yours," makes me melt... Elsie explained.
When asking if her new main character is based on anyone from real life, Elsie explained that her characters did share some experiences with her, but were not based on anyone.
Elsie says her main character, Rachel, in Love, on the Rocks ", has some elements in her backstory that are based on things I've gone through in my own life. I think putting a little bit of myself into them helps me feel a connection to them, and I hope that connection extends to the reader, too."
Location, as with most novels, is super important and for Elsie, she said this is one way she gains inspiration for her stories. "Or a theme of some kind--for my first book it was the theater in my home town, and for my second it was the combination of visits to distilleries in our local area, and holidays I've spent on the Scottish Islands. Places are very evocative for me, so usually, the location is the starting point."
This chic-lit author shared her favorite Jane Austen quote too, "obstinate, headstrong girl." Elise said she was not one to rock the boat, but hoped that her daughter would grow up with the courage to forge her own path and not just do what others expect of her." Elsie added that she might regret this when her daughter becomes a teenager (ha-ha).
Of course, Elise loves the romance genre, but she also likes contemporary or historical genres and even some crime/thriller/mystery stories. In her spare time though Elsie enjoys baking, walking her dogs a Cocker Spaniel named Barney and a Great Dane named Fergus. Elsie also has a cat named Alfie, who she says rules the roost at home.
When we asked Elsie if she had written any other genre besides romance she admitted to having written a Young Adult fantasy novel in her twenties, but it is languishing on an old hard drive somewhere.
The best advice Elsie can give to indie authors and writer deals with, in my opinion, the largest part of self-publishing. Marketing.
"Marketing is a much bigger deal than I realized. Get out there and start building a platform straight away, don't wait until you've published. Talk to like-minded people and establish a presence on social media."
Elsie went on to say that she "did everything a bit back to front, and published first, then had to figure out how to actually promote it afterward. Self-publishing is much more addictive and satisfying than I thought it would be, too – I thought I’d write the book, put it online and forget about it, but once it’s out there, it kind of snowballs. And definitely take the time to build good, personal relationships with book bloggers – I’ve met so many lovely, supportive people who really want to help you boost your work, and I can’t thank all of them enough. Having the right blogger in your corner - someone who loves your genre or your writing style, and will be genuinely enthusiastic about it – is worth its weight in gold. "
The Writing Wall Blog would like to congratulate Elsie on her second book and all the best for future publications!
Here is an exclusive excerpt from Elsie and Love, on the Rocks:
Predictably enough, the car which came too fast around the bend, almost drifting, was bright red, sporty and low to the ground. Rachel stepped as far into the muddy verge as she could, half hidden by the bare, overhanging branches of one of the few gnarled little trees that were scattered across the island, hoping he wouldn't see her. But even before the car had fully straightened up and passed her by, she could already hear the brakes being applied.
Duncan swiftly put the car into reverse and coasted back until he was alongside her, one arm slung over the back of the passenger seat as he looked out of the rear window. His own window was down before he'd come to a standstill.
"Hi there," he said, flashing Rachel that smooth smile. His green eyes were concealed once more behind the designer sunglasses, but he'd changed from his three piece suit into a casual tee-shirt, zippy top and jeans.
Rachel grimaced back, folding her arms across her chest.
"Hello," she said. "Enjoying yourself?" She nodded down at the car. "You know there are other people on these roads, occasionally. And speed limits. It's just as well I heard you coming."
"Maybe you should walk on the right side of the road, then?" he shot back, although the smile remained.
"This is the right side of the road, City Boy. You walk towards oncoming cars on a single track."
Duncan ignored her, choosing to change the subject instead. "You look nice," he said, the compliment catching her off guard. "Hot date?"
Rachel rolled her eyes. Obviously, he was being sarcastic. "Pub quiz."
"Oh, I saw the sign!" Duncan said, taking off his sunglasses and propping one elbow on the ledge of the open window. "We thought we might give it a try ourselves actually. Two nights of sitting in a hotel room - a very small hotel room that I can't even stand up straight in - is giving me cabin fever."
"We?" Rachel asked, hoping that the little edge of jealousy she felt wasn't betrayed in her voice.
"Louise and Fiona," he explained, "the rest of the investments team. You'll meet them properly tomorrow. I'm legal, Louise is finance, Fiona's marketing."
Rachel nodded, not wanting to think about the power-suited, corporate women or what the meeting tomorrow might bring.
"Where are you headed anyway?" she asked.
Duncan shrugged. "Just fancied a bit of exploring. Like I said, I've got cabin fever."
"Well if you want to explore round here, I wouldn't advise doing it in that," Rachel replied, jutting her chin at his ridiculously impractical car. "Better with a set of walking boots and a compass."
Duncan ruffled a hand through his hair, his piercing eyes still on her. “Like I said before, I'm not so good with the great outdoors. I'd rather explore from the comfort of a fine piece of Italian craftsmanship like this."
He put his hand out of the window and patted the door of the car, a gesture which Rachel found so ludicrously wanky that she was actually grateful he'd done it. Much easier not to fancy him when he was acting like a total tosser.
"Like it or not, the great outdoors is all you've got here. This is the only road. You'll get to the distillery and just have to turn back again."
Duncan's impeccable smile faltered for a second, and he gave her a confused frown. "The only road?" he echoed.
Rachel nodded. "Yup. I'm afraid you've already experienced all the motoring adventure Inniscreag has to offer. Might have to get your fine Italian shoes dirty if you want to see anything more exciting."
Feeling quite pleased with herself, Rachel turned and continued along the road towards the scattered lights of Craigport, leaving Duncan and his idling Italian engine at her back.
If you would like to read Elsie McArthur's novels look no further. Her debut novel, The Back Up Plan, was released in January 2020. And her second novel, Love, on the Rocks - a tale of love, loss and starting over set on the remote Scottish island of Inniscreag – will be released on the 20th August 2020. Follow Elsie on social media or to purchase a book, visit the links below.
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